To web developers/designers: Some days you pave the cowpath. Some days the cow paves you.
— Dave Nold (@cheapsurrealist) January 19, 2016
Body shaming the Web
Maciej Ceglowski has posted the transcript of the excellent and very funny talk he gave at Web Directions.
There are brief synopses of classic works of Russian literature as well as a discussion of the 21st century ailment: “chickenshit minimalism.”
But the problem is serious:
“If present trends continue, there is the real chance that articles warning about page bloat could exceed 5 megabytes in size by 2020.”
Bloat is no joke. My dog died from it last year. It came on suddenly and within two hours she was gone. I loved that dog.
Don’t let the same thing happen to the web.
Act now. The website you save may be your own.
My modest proposal: your website should not exceed in file size the major works of Russian literature. Anna Karenina, for example, is 1.8 MB
— Pinboard (@Pinboard) October 12, 2015
The State of The Advernet
“The Website Obesity Crisis”
The Advernet. It’s bringing me down man. I’ve been feeling really negative about the future of the web.
But now I’m happy because I watched a really smart and funny video about the web that incorporates Howard Taft, Russian literature, Chickenshit Minimalism, youth, love and lard.
Anyone who uses the web, and Christ, that’s a lot of humanoids, should find this 53 minutes well spent. And developers and designers and the like should benefit as well.

You’ll find many valuable tips like this code snipet: